Module H5S

Low-level interface to the “H5S” family of data-space functions.

Functional API

h5py.h5s.create(INT class_code) SpaceID

Create a new HDF5 dataspace object, of the given class. Legal values are SCALAR and SIMPLE.

h5py.h5s.create_simple(TUPLE dims_tpl, TUPLE max_dims_tpl) SpaceID

Create a simple (slab) dataspace from a tuple of dimensions. Every element of dims_tpl must be a positive integer.

You can optionally specify the maximum dataspace size. The special value UNLIMITED, as an element of max_dims, indicates an unlimited dimension.

h5py.h5s.decode(STRING buf) SpaceID

Unserialize a dataspace. Bear in mind you can also use the native Python pickling machinery to do this.

Dataspace objects

class h5py.h5s.SpaceID

Bases: ObjectID

Represents a dataspace identifier.



Numpy-style shape tuple with dimensions.

  • Hashable: No

  • Equality: Unimplemented

copy() SpaceID

Create a new copy of this dataspace.

encode() STRING

Serialize a dataspace, including its selection. Bear in mind you can also use the native Python pickling machinery to do this.

extent_copy(SpaceID source)

Replace this dataspace’s extent with another’s, changing its typecode if necessary.

get_regular_hyperslab() -> (TUPLE start, TUPLE stride, TUPLE count, TUPLE block)

Retrieve a regular hyperslab selection.

get_select_bounds() -> (TUPLE start, TUPLE end)

Determine the bounding box which exactly contains the current selection.

get_select_elem_npoints() LONG npoints

Determine the number of elements selected in point-selection mode.

get_select_elem_pointlist() NDARRAY

Get a list of all selected elements. Return is a Numpy array of unsigned ints, with shape (<npoints>, <space rank).

get_select_hyper_blocklist() NDARRAY

Get the current hyperslab selection. The returned array has shape:

(<npoints>, 2, <rank>)

and can be interpreted as a nested sequence:

[ (corner_coordinate_1, opposite_coordinate_1), ... ]

with length equal to the total number of blocks.

get_select_hyper_nblocks() LONG nblocks

Get the number of hyperslab blocks currently selected.

get_select_npoints() LONG npoints

Determine the total number of points currently selected. Works for all selection techniques.

get_select_type() INT select_code

Determine selection type. Return values are:

get_simple_extent_dims(BOOL maxdims=False) TUPLE shape

Determine the shape of a “simple” (slab) dataspace. If “maxdims” is True, retrieve the maximum dataspace size instead.

get_simple_extent_ndims() INT rank

Determine the rank of a “simple” (slab) dataspace.

get_simple_extent_npoints() LONG npoints

Determine the total number of elements in a dataspace.

get_simple_extent_type() INT class_code

Class code is either SCALAR or SIMPLE.

is_regular_hyperslab() BOOL

Determine whether a hyperslab selection is regular.

is_simple() BOOL is_simple

Determine if an existing dataspace is “simple” (including scalar dataspaces). Currently all HDF5 dataspaces are simple.

offset_simple(TUPLE offset=None)

Set the offset of a dataspace. The length of the given tuple must match the rank of the dataspace. If None is provided (default), the offsets on all axes will be set to 0.


Select all points in the dataspace.

select_elements(SEQUENCE coords, INT op=SELECT_SET)

Select elements by specifying coordinates points. The argument “coords” may be an ndarray or any nested sequence which can be converted to an array of uints with the shape:

(<npoints>, <space rank>)


>>> obj.shape
(10, 10)
>>> obj.select_elements([(1,2), (3,4), (5,9)])

A zero-length selection (i.e. shape (0, <rank>)) is not allowed by the HDF5 library.

select_hyperslab(TUPLE start, TUPLE count, TUPLE stride=None, TUPLE block=None, INT op=SELECT_SET)

Select a block region from an existing dataspace. See the HDF5 documentation for the meaning of the “block” and “op” keywords.


Deselect entire dataspace.

select_shape_same(SpaceID space2) BOOL

Check if two selections are the same shape. HDF5 may read data faster if the source & destination selections are the same shape.

select_valid() BOOL

Determine if the current selection falls within the dataspace extent.


Remove the dataspace extent; typecode changes to NO_CLASS.

set_extent_simple(TUPLE dims_tpl, TUPLE max_dims_tpl=None)

Reset the dataspace extent via a tuple of dimensions. Every element of dims_tpl must be a positive integer.

You can optionally specify the maximum dataspace size. The special value UNLIMITED, as an element of max_dims, indicates an unlimited dimension.


Numpy-style shape tuple representing dimensions. () == scalar.

Module constants


Accepted in place of an actual dataspace; means “every point”


Indicates an unlimited maximum dimension

Dataspace class codes


Selection codes


Existing selection type
